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Using the Clean Swell app at LICA's Roadside Cleanup on April 6th

If you'll be participating in LICA's Roadside cleanup on Saturday, April 6th, please consider downloading the Ocean Conservancy’s Clean Swell phone app to log the amount and location of litter your team collects during the event.

Here’s how:

Download the app on your phone:

Clean Swell for iPhone

Clean Swell for Android

On the day of the cleanup, click “Start” and answer a few questions. For group name, enter “LICA” followed by your truck number if you've been assigned one. Then just click “start a new cleanup” and you’re ready to start logging items. If you have any questions, please email Kendra at or call the Resource Center at 360-758-7997

Litter on Lummi Island can end up in the Salish Sea, where it can kill or harm birds and mammals. Scientists use the data collected by Clean Swell to guide policy and future research, so when you use the app to log the trash you pick up, you are aiding their work. Thanks for pitching in!

March 27

Grow Another Row

April 27

Resource Center Spring Clean